Reproductions on Canvas

A giclée, (pronounced Zheeclay) is a fine art reproduction of such quality that it is often mistaken for an original painting. These reproductions of my paintings are high-resolution digital images printed on canvas. The inks used for these reproductions are highly resistant to UV fading and for further protection, the images are sprayed with UV barrier after they are printed. Giclees cost more than a print on paper, but do not need to be covered with glass, which interferes with the color intensity of a paper print.

I am offering reproductions of many of my paintings in three sizes. The size A giclees are $400. Size B giclees are $700 and size C are $850. These prices are for a giclée that is already stretched and ready to frame.

Please contact me to order giclee reproductions. The giclees are printed after I receive the order. I will work through a frame shop near you to stretch the canvas and the total process will take 2-6 weeks.